Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kitui Nzambani Rock

                                                           Classic World Ventures
Kitui Nzambani Rock
The Nzambani rock is quite a popular scenic attraction in Kitui District. Kitui is a rural town in Kenya, located 130 kilometers east of Nairobi and 75 kilometers east of Machakos. People from this area of Kenya (Akamba) people speak Kamba language- Kikamba.
What makes this rock unique is the story behind it that has been passed along from one generation to another. The overnight "noises" and "imaginary women and children overnight activities" are some of the stories behind this Rock. The 60ft tall rock is located about 15 Miles from Kitui town and in a clear weather day, it can be seen as far as 50 Miles away.

From the Kitui Medical College, you will head east to Chuluni. On the way you pass through the town of Wikilili with several small stores and some good places to catch a quick bite to eat cheap and with exceptionally friendly service. Once you're in Chuluni, follow the road to Nzambani rock, where, you should be able to see the conspicuous landmark. From the road – a wide, dirt single track heading into the bush. Carry some pocket money because you have to pay to climb the boulder, but do not worry, it's not much. Visitors to the rock can use a ladder that runs up to the top. From there one can get a great view of Kitui town. This site is located on private property and permission may need to be sought for in advance.

The concrete and steel supports are loose and decaying, and the entire structure sways in the wind, so take care. Once on top, you can wander freely, soaking in the panoramic views across the district. To the west you look towards the hills of Machakos, and to the east is the South Kitui National Reserve. This is Ukambani at its best, scattered with small villages and chiefs' camps. The boulder isn't a must-see, perhaps, but it makes for an unforgettable little back roads adventure.

Interesting Myth.

Local Kamba legend has it that if one goes round the rock seven times; they would have their gender changed! Stories go of men and women who changed to the opposite sex after doing this. It is not possible to authenticate these claims however the origin of this rock is told by two interesting stories:
Folklore has it that a white missionary from the Church Mission Society in England was cornered by Kamba warriors who did not want him talking about Christ. They went round and round the Nzambani rock looking for him to try and kill him. He prayed and then God said, if you are to die, at least wear your religious vestments. The missionary put on his vestments and waited for death. When the warriors caught up with him, he looked like he had turned into a woman because of his clothing (According to them, the missionaries had transformed into woman) - they did not kill him. So folklore goes that if you round Nzambani rock seven times, you will change gender!
Another story is told of a beautiful Kamba maiden, Nzambani, who together with two other girls, went to fetch firewood. While doing so, she saw a beautiful round stone that was good for grinding tobacco snuff for her grandfather. Nzambani took the stone and hid it from the other two.
After they were done collecting firewood, Nzambani tried to remove the stone so she could carry it in a better way but the stone could not be removed. She then cried for help. The other girls rushed back to the village to call Nzambani's parents who came to her rescue but in vain. In frustration, they left her and coming the following day, she had become a rock. Locals say that the rock continues to grow to-date.

Click here to read about Lord Egerton's castle. Lord Egerton hang notices on trees warning that any women trespassing the grounds risked being shot. Men visiting the baron were asked to leave their women eight kilometers away. He employed 16 servants, all male and rarely entertained visitors though the castle had many guest rooms. He banned his male workers from ever bringing their wives to the servant quarters or keeping chicken and dogs.Read more...
                                                           Classic World Ventures


  1. Local Kamba legend has it that if one goes round the rock seven times; they would have their gender changed!

  2. Gregory Matheka said..

    The rock is a magnificient sight for any visitor to kitui

  3. There is also a hotel on top of the hotel.

  4. The third message from heaven...
    If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
